Localisation actuelle: Produits > Arrête-flammes


Our arrête-flammes comply avec ISO 16852 standards, as set out en the ATEX Directive 94/9/CE. There are different types of arrête-flammes depending on the gas et the type of explosion. To ensure the integrity of the equipment to be protected, it is vital to select correctly the type of arrête-flammes,. pour your correct choice you must know:
  • Le groupe d‘explosion gaz du mélange IIA, IIB ou IIC
  • L'origine du point d'allumage possible et la distance jusqu'au arretê -flammes
  • Direction de l'avance ou du recul de la flamme


    End-of-line arrête-flammes are always explosion-proof by definition, since there is virtually no distance between the ignition point et the location of the arrête-flammes,.
    They protect the tank ou the pipe from the possible recoil of the flame coming from the outside en case of aspiration during the emptying of the tank. They are installed en the vents ou at the end of the pipes.
    They can be of prolonged combustion, flames that do not spread to the interior of the pipe, being able to withstet a 2-hour exposure to the flame ou of brief combustion when the flame propagates into the pipe ou the tank.

    The arrête-flammes that are installed together avec the vent ou empty pressure vannes are considered as end-of-line arrête-flammes. They are designed to prevent a possible spot deflagration (caused by lightning, a spark, an electric shock) from entering the tank when the tank is breathing en during emptying, at which time a flame from outside could enter inside to the tank.